

infared saunas

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jen heller

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Like so many, my personal health journey is loaded with high highs, low lows and a few major setbacks. Years ago, I suffered a stroke that went somewhat undetected despite a significant impact on my motor function skills. Since then, I’ve made it my mission to realign and heal myself back to wholeness and share what helped me along the way.

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As the leaves change and the air becomes crisp, it’s the perfect time to return to basics and prioritize healthier routines. Fall is a season of transition – a time to clear out the old and welcome the new.  It’s an ideal time to create a wellness escape at home to detoxify, relax, and recharge. […]

Homes That Heal, Infrared Saunas, Podcast

September 3, 2024

Ask Jen: Infrared vs. Traditional Saunas: Which Is Better & Why? Benefits, Safety, and Best Practices for Detox & Wellness

infrared Sauna, Sauna, Detox, Health, Wellness, Alternative Healing, Weight Loss, Anti-Aging, hormone changes, inflammation, insomnia, mold exposure, toxin exposure

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Welcome to another “Ask Jen” minisode where I share my extensive knowledge and personal experiences to address common questions and concerns about saunas, their use, safety, and effectiveness. Today, we’re talking about sauna hats: to wear or not to wear, choosing the right towels, and showing you how to have a smooth sauna delivery and […]

Homes That Heal, Infrared Saunas, Podcast

August 6, 2024

Ask Jen: Sauna Essentials – Hats, Towels, and Delivery & Setup Tips

infrared Sauna, Sauna, Detox, Health, Wellness, Alternative Healing, Weight Loss, Anti-Aging, hormone changes, inflammation, insomnia, mold exposure, toxin exposure

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The sauna company I get asked the most about (outside of Clearlight) is Radiant Health Saunas. For the record, I think Radiant is a great company and they’re making a safe sauna. They’re also the closest apples to apples comparison to Clearlight’s Premier Saunas so I always invite the conversation to help people make an […]

Infrared Saunas

October 28, 2023

Clearlight® vs Radiant Health Infrared Saunas


Jen is an absolute pleasure to work with. She is a wealth of                            - truly passionate about all things health and wellness. Her expertise in sauna use and its health benefits is unparalleled.

rich ahlers | wisemen

An in depth look into the vibrant world of saunas featuring interviews from current sauna enthusiasts - everything from their healing journey to how they prefer to use them- as well as “Ask Jen” minisodes where I will cover the frequently asked questions I receive every week from people wanting to add a sauna to their healing space. If you are or ever have considered adding a sauna to your healing arsenal - trust me - you’re in the right place!

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