

infared saunas

jen recommends



let's talk about what it is

why Infrared?

There’s a lot of scientific data and study to support heat therapy benefits, it’s been around for centuries, and infrared has really only been on scene for a few decades, but here’s my answer: 

Traditional saunas found in a local health club or hotel heat the airspace and do not penetrate your skin - they’re designed to be super hot, forcing your body to sweat. Which is why they need to be 170-200 degrees to do so. The air is typically a heavy, hard to breathe environment that many find to be uncomfortable and untolerable for more than a few minutes. 

Infrared saunas are created with invisible light energy that the body recognizes as heat. Think of sunlight, but without dangerous UV rays. When you’re standing directly in the sun, you can feel that warm, radiant heat deep in your core - that’s the feeling and power of infrared. Infrared light energy is a dry, electric heat that penetrates into the skin vs hot air and skin surface only. It digs deep into our fat cells and cellular system to elevate our core body temperature and get the blood flowing in a safe, gentle way - so we sweat and detoxify from the inside out. In my opinion, it’s the deepest and most detoxifying sweat you’ll ever experience. 

what is the difference between a traditional sauna and an infrared sauna

i get asked everyday...

and why would I choose infrared?

One of the many beautiful benefits of infrared saunas is you can control temperature and create the experience you prefer.

You can crank it up to get a good sweat rolling or turn it down if you’re not feeling a deep sweat day. Temperatures are overall much lower so you can breathe easily and relax longer.

A typical infrared sauna session is 30-45 minutes and temps range from 100-150 degrees based on your heat tolerance. 

For my fellow heat warriors…all the info and data floating around about “170+ degrees is needed to achieve heat shock proteins” - yes, that guidance is accurate and is a good temp in a traditional sauna, but NOT recommended or accurate for infrared.

Those hotter temps are needed in a traditional sauna to get your core temp up, but again, light energy doesn't work that way and that’s where an infrared can be a game-changer and more effective. 


A common question I get asked is “Jen, what about the electrical energy and monthly costs?” This too is one of the many reasons why people are ditching the old-school traditional sauna and going with infrared.

They’re energy efficient, cost approximately 25-40 cents per hour and heat up to a solid temp in 20-30 minutes. Only 20% of the energy is used to heat the air, leaving the rest of the energy to heat the body. You generally don’t even notice an uptick on your energy bill and they’re super easy to maintain.

Traditional saunas typically take a couple hours to heat up and draw a lot more electricity to maintain the hot airspace temps. Not to mention, where there's moisture, there’s a potential breeding ground for bacteria growth, especially if it’s not maintained properly. Which is not an ideal environment for healing. 

Let's talk about electrical efficiency

My sauna has always been my sanctuary space and I hope yours is too. Bask in the warmth while safely soaking in the healing.

I also treat my sauna sessions like my workouts - make it count, but don’t forget to give your mind and body a rest by sprinkling in some low and slow/restorative days.

I get in when it’s 120-125 degrees, turn it up to 140-145 and let the temp climb as I’m inside so the heaters are always on and my body is receiving maximum infrared benefits

My ideal temp range is 120-145 degrees, depending on my hydration and mood

I typically pair my sauna with my morning yoga/workout routine


My Sauna Rou t

Sunlight is a combination of visible and invisible light. All colors of the rainbow are present in sunlight including infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths. These wavelengths are not visible to the naked eye.

Out of all the invisible rays that emanate from the sun, far infrared is familiar and responds well to our bodies because we also produce far infrared. Research has found that human beings produce infrared heat in the “far infrared range,” centered at 9.4 microns. This wavelength range is the most natural and healthiest for the body and why it’s important to find a quality sauna. The infrared frequency range that’s produced by the body combined with the healthy rays of sunlight, is what is experienced in Clearlight® infrared saunas. 

Infrared penetrates deep into your skin tissue (up to 1 -2 inches) to help dissolve and expel unwanted, stagnant substances that have accumulated in the body. This allows the body to sweat and detox naturally through our skin - our body’s largest organ. On a cellular level, the bio-identical wavelength frequency of infrared heat combined with elevated circulation is why many feel energetically reinvigorated and balanced from exposure to far infrared waves. It’s the same exhilaration of intense exercise. In short, infrared rays have the incredible power to revitalize and restore your cells and metabolism.

The Scientific Explanation

how it actually works

Everything you see inside the sauna that are black panels (walls & bench) these are far infared heaters that are completely surrounding you.

Tests have shown that the energy output of Clearlight’s True Wave far infrared heaters is tuned so closely to the body’s own radiant energy that our bodies absorb as much as 93% of the far infrared waves that reach our skin.

Far infrared waves penetrate into our body and activate the sweat glands. The sweat glands are one of the tools that the body has at hand to eliminate toxins. The skin is actually the largest organ of the human body and has been called many times; “the third kidney” because of its ability to discharge large amounts of waste material through the sweat glands. It is one of the best mechanisms the body has for elimination. 

far infrared

lets talk about

A research paper that was published decades ago by researchers S.Inouye and M. Kabaya showed that far infrared has the ability to cause a vibration in human tissue if wavelengths similar to the ones produced by the body are introduced. This is similar to the effects demonstrated in infrared spectroscopy.

When introduced in the proper wavelengths of 9.3 to 9.4 microns, water molecules can begin to vibrate. This vibration reduces the ion bonds of water and the eventual breakdown causes encapsulated gasses and other toxic materials to be released to be eliminated.

Full spectrum refers to the entire infrared spectrum: near, mid and far infrared. Near Infrared is the shortest wavelength, and will be absorbed just below the surface of the skin creating a sweat that promotes healing and revitalization. 

Mid infrared is a longer wavelength that can penetrate deeper into the body’s soft tissue increasing circulation, releasing oxygen to reach injured areas.

Far infrared is the longest wavelength which penetrates the fat cells causing vasodilation, where the fat cells vibrate to expel toxins, resulting in the greatest levels of detoxification and stimulate your metabolism to aid in weight-loss.

Full spectrum infrared

lets talk about

The sun is our primary source of radiant energy, but not all of this energy is beneficial. Although life needs energy from the sun, too much sunlight damages the skin. Infrared heat provides all the healthy benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects of solar radiation. 

For years, the healthcare industry recommended infrared heat lamps as a source of infrared therapy but the lamps were cumbersome, extremely hot and difficult to maintain at a constant temperature. Today, many healthcare professionals use infrared heaters to treat a variety of diseases throughout the world and Clearlight is proud to be working with many of these resources. 

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